Monday, December 30, 2013


My love for the wild finds its origin in Amboli village where I not only got to see and experience wild animals up-close but various communities especially the Dhangars and the Vanarmare. While my thoughts on that one special Dhangar, whom I and my sibling grew to love, will be penned later, for the present read my article on the Vanarmare tribes. Pity that I did not carry a camera then.

The article was written on January 28, 2011 and the questions asked at the end, have come true. My colleague Dr. Sachin Tendulkar is trying his best to help a tribe back here in Goa. Check this link and support in any way you can. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

WHAT NEXT!! .... An Environment & Development dilemma

This poem is a representation of the dilemma I face when confronted with issues of Environment & Development.


It was a pleasant Friday morning

The bright sun shining

Into the city I walked

Unmindful of the killer that stalked

Axe after axe fell on the tree

Save me! Save me! cried the tree

I was hurt, I was outraged

Within no time the tree would bite the dust

And I stood there, wondering what next!!

Appeared a wise man to speak for the tree

Doesn’t it have the right to live free?

It provides you food, clothing and shelter

Without which you would be a pauper

Convinced appeared the woodcutter
But said I have to wield the axe for survival
Today morning someone lost his father
If it is not this tree, it would be some other
I still stood there as the woodcutter left
Wondering what next!!