Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hill-topping, a behavioral trait exhibited by male butterflies, wherein individuals fly to the hilltops and establish territories. Butterflies can be seen darting around tree tops and chasing each other, the strongest individual securing the highest vantage position. It is thought that this results in preference of such males by female of the species, although there is little direct evidence to support this theory. I for one, believe it to be a normal territorial behavior or a mate-location behavior where the chances of contact with the opposite sex increases compared to a forested valley.
Colour Sergeant-Male

This phenomena is usually seen in areas where there are sudden elevation changes in the terrain and are of conservation importance due to the concentration of butterflies in a restricted area.

The activity can go on for days and in some locations throughout the year. Various species of butterflies exhibit this behavior with Nymphalids (Brush-footed butterflies) and Lycaenids (Blues) the most predominant. Most butterflies found at such locations are fast fliers, uncommon and with a patchy distribution.
Large Gauva Blue patrolling his territory

In Goa, this behaviour has been observed at various location but past experience holds me back from disclosing these locations so as to avoid congregation of enthusiasts and photography buffs, which could be detrimental to the butterflies themselves.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Additions to birds of Goa, India

The link below highlights the presence of 3 birds not reported earlier from the State, the Slaty-legged Crake (Rallina eurizonoides), Spotted Creeper (Salpornis spilonotus) and Streaked Weaver (Ploceus manyar).

Nest in Sugarcane plantation in Keri-Sattari

Streaked Weaver - Male
The paper, as any scientific/peer reviewed paper would, contains the latest tally of birds for Goa which stands at 462. After the work by Heinz Lainer and his report on 420 birds, the Zoological Survey of India in 2008, through the Fauna of Goa series added 38 species. The report by ZSI is based on work of Heinz Lainer and the birds in Appendix (contains unconfirmed records of birds that are difficult to identify in the field or are frequently misidentified, or are contentious for various other reasons) were also included.

Though scientific papers would list the birds species from Goa as 462, personally I feel that the bird count of the State is actually 425, since only five species have been added after the work by Heinz, one by Paul Holt and four by I and Pankaj Lad.

This does not mean that the species listed as unconfirmed cannot be found in the State.While birding picks up as a hobby within the youth, the importance of keeping notes and observations seems to be on the wane. The need to emphasize on importance of regular observations, monitoring and above all maintain data over just weekend birding and photography is felt more as bird habitats fast shrink or deteriorate in our State.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Shravani Aitar

 (This article appeared in the magazine Shravan - Bhadrapad (2008) published by Vivekanand Environment Awareness Brigade. The prolonged rain-showers this year prompted me to post this article a little late in the season)
The monsoons have receded, with the season of intermittent rain-showers and sunny moments making its appearance. The denizens of the jungle are shaking their drenched coats looking forward to soaking in the sunrays. The birds are chirping louder while the lone caterpillar after feasting on the green growth of the monsoons has decided its time to be a butterfly. Adult butterflies are searching for those open spaces with sunrays filtering in to gather energy from the Sun God. It’s also time for those with the penchant for these wild places, experiences and the lesser-fauna to step out with extra vigour and explore their surroundings. A time to spend the hard earned Sunday to rejuvenate ones senses after a week-long rigour of the work place. I luckily happen to be one of those who celebrate their “Shravani Aitar” in the jungles of the Sanhyadri. Those who wish to join have to pack their bags on Saturday morning lest we waste time in the evenings for our journey into the wilderness. This Sunday the destination is Savri Waterfalls in Netravali.

Travel from Panjim to Netravali via Margao, Chandor, Tilamol, Zambhauli, Rivona, Colamb is an experience in itself. But the picture of the enchanting Savri falls is always at the back of your minds. Stop at the Budbudyachi Tali, pay your homage to Lord Narayan and proceed straight towards the Amba Ghat. We are on our way to Mangal, the village of the Velip community atop a hill. The road to the village is a steep climb and in a bad shape. In other months our vehicle could have taken us directly to the village but not today. The evening rains which greeted us in Netravali have made the road unmotorable and it’s advisable to walk the 3 kms to the village. It’s dark by the time we reach the base, and the Cicada’s have already started their orchestra. The frogs are still around though not as plenty as a few months ago. We hear one calling very close and it’s a pretty loud call. Sangam decides to locate the call and we join him in his search. It’s not an easy task we realise and then behold under a fallen leaf of a Kumbyo (Carea arborea) tree, we find the smallest frog that we have ever seen with his vocal sacs larger then himself. Omkar as usual goes into frenzy with his camera and gets some pretty good images. He, you will realise, is developing into a good photographer and a keen observer.
Cat Snake

The walk is actually a climb but keep a watch around, its time for the snakes to be out. The last time we were here, we saw the Common Wolf Snake near a pile of laterite stones. But the night is too young today and it will be some time later that the probability of seeing snakes would be more. The night is cool but you are perspiring and short of breath by the time you reach the village. Rohidas Velip is eagerly waiting your arrival and is a little anxious too since you are more than an hour late. He has made arrangements for our stay in the local temple and the common facility centre constructed by the community recently. Being a temple premise, the food is obviously vegetarian, but the flavour is out of the world and I assure you that you will eat more than you usually do, especially after the climb to the village.

Sleep comes naturally in this setting and as you go out to “answer natures call” before you hit the bed, you hear the rasping calls of the Leopard somewhere far away in the distant hills. You know you are in the Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary, the largest sanctuary in Goa covering an area of 240 Do not waste time chatting or playing Carrom with the local boys in the adjacent house and sleep well. Rising early is the key for a good “Aitar” and that is exactly what we are here for.  

I wake you up at 5.30 a.m. and you will see the women already busy with the daily chores. You on the other hand curse me and for a moment wonder why you are here away from the cosy comfort of your bed. But the assurance of a promising day in the jungles will urge you to get prepared for the day ahead. Rohidas is at the doorstep with a wide smile to greet you. Do not forget to thank him for his hospitality as he thanks you for coming and invites you again. Offer money for the food that was cooked by his family but do not offer him anything else, lest he gets offended. A shake of hands or a hug on the other hand will widen his smile from ear to ear. The sky is changing shades as you walk down the hill and is showing various shades of blue.

Stop near the Netravali Panchayat and if you are lucky, the road side hotel will be open. Treat yourself to a hot cup of tea. The fragrance of the tea and the village atmosphere prepares you for what lies ahead. Turn on to your right from Netravali and park your vehicle where the tar road ends. You have arrived in the Savri village to begin the real journey.
The Draco

You may feel that the walk through the village may not be good enough. But think twice and keep a watch around. The Draco is best sighted here as it glides between coconut trees, in the dense jungles it may be difficult to sight. The red coloured spikes of the Clerodendron are like magnets to many butterflies especially the Blue Mormon and the majestic Southern Birdwing, the largest butterfly in India. Do not run behind these for a photograph since they are fast fliers. Patience is a virtue when photographing butterflies. Wait patiently but be alert and they will give you a chance when they settle for a few seconds to sip in the nectar from the flowers.

Walk along the water channel carved in the hill side and stop at the place where the locals have put a diversion bandhara to irrigate their fields. Look around and you will realize that you are in a paradise for butterfly watchers. The Common Hedge Blues, the Line Blues, the lone Angled Pierrot and the Ceruleans will always be there mud-puddling by the river side. The Soldier, the Grey Pansy, Tamil Yeoman and the Leopard will be basking on the shrubs by the river side and may be joined by the handsome Cruiser and the Red Spot Duke. It’s also the time for the magical Malabar Tree Nymph to glide in the canopy. You will see why they call this butterfly the nymph as it glides like a fairy through the trees. There cannot be a better sight than this and the image will transpire in front of your eyes everytime you close them and think about the butterfly.

You may have ignored the dragonflies and damselflies before but not today. One, because they are too many to ignore and two, because I am with you. I have grown to love these creatures over the last few months and have been able to explore their world to be astonished by their diversity. Omkar has caught this bug too and is growing confident with every passing day. Ignore his antics while trying to photograph the rare Pied Reed Tail, let me help you in identifying the common ones. The tiny Stream Ruby on the rocks is not uncommon and a wonderful sight when it flashes the brilliant red in its wings. Do not mistake the one sitting next to it as a different species; it is the female though it looks completely different. The adjacent vegetation is a great haunt for the Black-tipped Forest Glory. It is all over the place but somehow knows about your presence and all your attempts to get a good close up image will be in vain. Waiting patiently will help but we need to go ahead.

Walking in the river bed has its own charm. Do not follow those who jump over rocks. Wade into the water and experience the refreshing feeling unmatched by anything else. The next bend in the river will bring you face to face with my most loved waterfall…. The Savri. No other waterfall I have seen falls with such gusto with its waters having a musical tone to it. Take a dip but venture into deeper water only of you can swim. The cold waters are not for the faint hearted as you will miss a breath at the first contact with your skin. But I am sure you will not miss the chance. For those who want to dip only their feet, keep them still for the fish to clean them of dead skin and debris.

Being one in the jungle can lead to loosing track of time. We can’t afford to do that. Need to get back to the office and the daily routine tomorrow. The thought is unsettling. I do not know about you but the dip in the crystal clear waters of Savri will keep me going for the week as I look forward for the next “Aitar”

Friday, July 15, 2011


(This article appeared in Parthenos (April-June 2011) - A newsletter of DiversityIndia)

I have always loved Entomology. If not for my choice of the University, I would have earned a Masters in Entomology instead of Plant Pathology. The interest begun with Honeybees as our Professor, Mr. Kulkarni taught us Apiculture during the undergraduate days. Even as some of my friend found it tough to remember the scientific names, let alone spell them correctly, I found myself at ease with the whole business. The course taught me the applied angle of Entomology but the seed of Taxonomy was sown somewhere deep within.

It was sometime in 2008, 9 years after I earned my Masters Degree and after my book on butterflies was being received well that I decided to take insect taxonomy seriously. The Phylum Insecta is so vast that one lifetime would be insufficient to study a single Order. Butterflies or Order Lepidoptera seemed the obvious choice but my selection of the Order Odonata, which consists of Dragonflies and Damselflies probably, has its origin in Amboli, the village where my interest in wildlife can be traced. As a child brought up in a village setting, I was witness to the game of catching dragonflies and tying their tails with thread. I say witness, since I never found the game amusing, one, since I felt pity for them and second since I knew they bite back. I did catch them though, but the smaller ones and observed how they tried to bite anything that was brought close to their mouthparts. But what caught my imagination where those which flew in thousand over open field and never seemed to tire. There would only be few on one day and on another the whole open field would be swarming with the reddish coloured dragonflies. It was fun to see the Small Green Bee-eater hawk them in the air, beat them against the wires, break off their wings and swallow them. Numbers would be so high on occasions that a few would get crushed under passing vehicles. Now I know they are called the Wandering Gliders (Pantala flavescens) and rightly so.
Long-legged Marsh Glider (Trithemis pallidinervis)

That was a very long time back and after graduating I had the opportunity of being associated with the World Wild Fund of Nature (WWF) as a Volunteer and took pride in sharing my knowledge of biodiversity with adults and children alike during many of the Nature Trails and Camps. One hurdle though was the identification of Odonates. With no guide readily available, like the ones for Birds and Butterflies, all the different species remained just Dragonflies and Damselflies for me. By the way somewhere in between I learned that the smaller cousins of the Dragonflies are called Damselflies.

It was my Nikon D80 brought in 2006 that changed things for the good. Armed with a 105 mm Macro lens, I started photographing Dragons and grew to genuinely appreciate their amazing variability. With the collection growing and the need to know their identity made me look for people and sources which would help in identification. The world of the internet was a mine of information and within a short time I had names for most of the photographs. But something somewhere was amiss. I felt like the school kids accompanying me on trails and accepting every word that I said or all identifications that I made without ever questioning their authenticity. That is the time I decided to identify Odonates myself. The seed sown in the college days had finally germinated.
Agriocnemis pieris

What has followed has been a great learning experience full of joyous, proud and frustrating moments. It is ironic though that the basic work done by the British of cataloguing the biodiversity of this Country still remains the most widely used literature for identification of lesser fauna. The three volumes of The Fauna of British India on Odonata by Fraser is a monumental work and one wonders how anybody could dedicate so much time and energy to classify organisms which even in today’s world are not considered significant enough.

Trumpet tail (Acisoma panorpoides)
I also became conscious that the State of Goa has only 39 species documented by various researchers and here I was holding images of more that 70 species. I wonder how in the world we will ever conserve anything that we do not know exists in the first place. The gaps in our knowledge of our surrounding environment are so vast; it makes me wonder what are we searching for on the Moon and Mars?? I felt sorry that very few students and researchers are interested in Taxonomy, which actually is the brick on which the building of science stands. As I explore the interiors and water bodies of Goa in my search for new Odonates, I realize how important Taxonomy is not only for these winged predators but also for all the wide variety of biota that we have around us.

I will continue on my quest, which I am sure is not going to be any easy one, but hope that more and more youngsters take interest in  lesser flora and fauna of this country with a view to aid in their conservation.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I am on my way to Vasco after successfully conducting a camp for students at Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary. 85 students have participated in the camp with 10 volunteers imparting knowledge on various aspects of wildlife. As I drive and ponder over the last four days, there are many moments to choose from, but the most vivid of them all is the pair of mating Tamil Tree-Brown (Lethe dryperis) butterflies crushed under the wheels of a vehicle while still attached to each other. That it happened in the middle of a wildlife sanctuary, a place where the right of way belongs to the denizens of the forest, is further disturbing.

Female Jackal on the Airport road
I cross the BITS Goa campus along the airport road and see another road kill further ahead, this time, what looks like a dog. That is common I say to myself as I pass the dead dog by the road side with a pool of dried blood by its head and some coagulated around the nostril. After going beyond, I wonder if I actually saw a dog or was it something else. Parking ahead I walk back only see my worst fears becoming true, it’s a female Jackal (Canis aureus indicus) hit by, I am sure, an over-speeding vehicle. That the individual is a suckling female, evident from her enlarged tits, adds to my disgust. This one accidental death, means slow but sure death to the pups housed somewhere in a den of hunger or predation.

Road kills of wildlife are a common sight on Goan roads, especially snakes in the monsoons, birds which fly low, civet cats and the occasional leopard. Frogs and snakes get “butchered” in the rains. I use the word butchered with deliberate emphasis since they actually die in hundreds. Low flying birds like the Greater Crow-pheasant or Coucal (Centropus sinensis), the Bulbuls also meet this fate. I & Pankaj Lad reported the Slaty-legged Banded Crake (Rallina eurizonoides) as a new record for the State of Goa to a Journal and the paper is under review. That the proof of its presence is in the form of a dead specimen found on the road is not a very pleasing fact. I shudder at the thought of the fate of these animals after the proposed road widening in the State.

The image speaks for itself
That the larger mammals and birds might suddenly get on to the road and get hit before the vehicle can be controlled is understandable and can be excused but not over-speeding. Over-speeding is what kills. An animal colliding with a slow moving vehicle can get hurt but need not get killed. I do drive fast at times but have on many occasions sighted animals further on the road giving me enough time to slow down or stop. I have lost count of the number of occasions when I have alighted from the vehicle to pick up a snake and release it safely by the road side. Also animal behavior gives away its intents. One needs to be careful when a dog is behaving fidgety…..It is sure to cross the road. A Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites) can be very unpredictable. But being nocturnal it is easily sighted at a distance by glowing eyes and one get enough time to slow down to avoid it. And finally do not forget the horn. It works wonders on animals. Also keeping your eyes on the road at all times will go a long way in reducing animal kills.

I personally feel it is a matter of being sensitive towards these creatures which will automatically put brakes on our wheels

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WAX DART (Cupitha purreea) - A New record for Goa

One December 24, 2010 enroute to the Sonal Waterfall near Toduo Village in Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary, I, Sangam Patil and Omkar Dharwadkar documented the Wax Dart (Cupitha purreea), a skipper butterfly belonging to the Hesperidae Family which was earlier known only from the Southern Western Ghats. Found commonly in North-East India, the butterfly is rare in the South. The underside of this species is unmarked and sulphur yellow in colour. The documentation of this species from the Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary from where 3 species of butterflies were recently reported for the first time, highlights the biological diversity and conservation importance of this area. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011


This poem is inspired & dedicated to the jungles of the Western Ghats, where more than often I wish to get lost in the woods. That someone like me could pen a poem, that too a long one, as I sat watching the Savri Waterfall cascade in Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary is a testimony to the stimulating effect of the jungle. During my recent visit to Namdapha National Park in Arunachal Pradesh similar feelings clouded my mind and hence this post. 


The monsoon was fast approaching
Dark clouds gathered over the skies
The mystic woods beckoned me
To come to their abode and fly

Out I set with my camera
To capture a winged beauty
What I did not foresee
Was the magic of the woods and it’s majesty

I followed the birds and the butterflies
Unmindful of the jungle moods
Within no time I found myself
Lost in the woods!!

I was scared and I panicked
Knowing not what to do
Mother Nature told me not be scared and be true
She said she would guide me and
tell me what to do

The dark woods and the beasts
I found to be friends
How unlike humans
Who turn foes and rarely friends!

I had water to drink and fruits to eat
Leafy cushion to sleep and rocks to sit
My friends in the woods allowed me to be the first
To enter the river and quench my thirst

How happy was I to experience this mood
I hope all of you one day get lost in the woods!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fluffy Tit

The Fluffy Tit (Zeltus amasa) is an uncommon butterfly of the forested regions. Found from Goa Southwards it has recently been documented from the forests of the Tillari region in Maharashtra. Though tiny, it is one of the most handsome of butterflies in our forests and the flight period in Goa is from February onwards till the monsoons. This image was taken on the trail to the Mainapi Waterfall in the Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary, a paradise for butterflies and butterfly watchers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Only recently, in discussion with a friend, I learnt that the butterfly is referred to as Prajapati in Bengali.

While the names such as Fulpakharu in Marathi, Titli in Hindi, and our own Pako were well-known to me, this reference in Bengali to the Hindu deity Prajapati ( the Lord of Creation) got me thinking.

I presume it is the sheer beauty, the wonder of flight, and the transformation from the crawly caterpillar to a winged wonder that have evoked such admiration from everyone who encounters them.

The makeover of a caterpillar into a pupa, and then a butterfly, is one of the most amazing transformations seen in the living world.

 The image depicts the life-cycle of the Common Mime (Papilio clytia) on its host plant, the Cinnamon Tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). The pupa which attaches itself to the stem of the plant appears like a dry twig broken at one end, and is an excellent example of camouflage.

The adult butterfly exhibits two mimetic forms in both sexes. The dark form Clytia mimics the Common Indian Crow (Euploea core) while the striped form Dissimilis mimics the Blue Tiger (Tirumala limniace).

This mimicry termed as the Batesian Mimicry has evolved wherein a palatable species mimics an unpalatable species thus sending warning signals to a predator to stay away.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am originally not a Goan, being a native of the neighbouring district of Sindhudurg and born in Kolhapur. 

I was always lovingly referred to as Ghanti by my friends, only to have realized over time that the Goa that I know, and have grown up to love, is far different from theirs. And I am more a Goenkar than many of my Goan friends who claim to be (with no ill will to them!!)

Having been brought up here, and traversed through the most remote nooks and corners of the State, very often on foot, I have grown to admire and love the incredible range of floral and faunal diversity more than anything else. It is a very special component of our heritage, which unfortunately is not appreciated as it should be. Worse, it is neglected.

Goa is unique in its geographic position, lying at the confluence of the Northern and the Southern Western Ghats. It exhibits floral and faunal assemblage that are distinctive of the both. Unlike the British, who conducted extensive studies on the biodiversity all around the rest of India, natural history was a neglected subject under the four and a half centuries of Portuguese rule, and has remained neglected since then except for a few sporadic studies.

I have had the opportunity to closely observe and study the faunal components, especially the lesser-known fauna. My emphasis has been on Avifauna, Butterflies and Odonates (dragonflies)

I have had to face very difficult odds, with very few experts in the field in Goa, and further very few interested in the subject.

More recently, there are more youngsters are taking to the field, and we are already seeing promising results. Lot more needs to be done, though.

Ultimately, the knowledge we earn through field studies needs to be made user friendly so that we can communicate with a broad audience. Education and awareness will always be the key to conservation success.

Monday, March 21, 2011


The “Payvat” (beaten track) in the jungle, laid by both men and animals, has taken me to places not seen and experienced by many. They have opened my eyes to amazing diversity of life-forms, encouraged me to move on, instilled discipline and at times humbled me by making me lose my way. I have chosen to wander away from these tracks on occasions to explore the world beyond. The blog gives me a chance to bring to you the experiences gained on and off these “beaten tracks”.